You're probably entering this gallery thinking, what is a bridal session? Or what I usually call a Day-After Session. This is a session that's done after your day in your wedding attire. This is great to do if you have me traveling far or want to do something like this session where you don't want to worry about your dress being super dirty for the rest of your day. That was one of the reasons we did this session. The others were that the horses were all hyped up with the 150 guests walking around, so I could only do a few shots on their wedding day in the small pin. After her day, planning this gave us plenty of time to get all the photos wanted without putting stress on the animal or us :).
I highly recommend doing these if you ever plan or want to do something epic you don't have the time for on your day. When you think about it, it's quite lovely to get dressed up and do something for yourselves without having to go to do speeches or any of the million things that go on in a wedding day. So if you have a grand plan or want more photos and a reason to put on that dress again, this session is a must-do!